Mary Anne Reilly Art

Garden Works - Dumbarton Oaks and Flowers

Waterscapes and Sea World

Horses and Equestrian Imaging

City Scapes

Get it? These fish are following the leader These flowers are definitely purple Who doesn't love the ocean? I mean c'mon, it's great I love Regent Park This picture is fantastic South Beach Painting This is a picture of an Irish Lake. This is a picture of a Puffer Fish. This is a picture of swimming blue fish.

Reilly has an innate sense of what the neoimpressionists were trying to do, and she's chosen to develop her incredible skill along with this very personal path. Hers is a very inspired communication with nature. Spring is all too fleeting, but with a painting of Mary Anne's, it gets to stay a bit longer.

-Bill Dunlap

Painter and host of WETA's Around Town, Washington, D.C.